07 March 2009

Aubrey de Grey

Cambridge researcher / speed metal guitarist / long-lost-brother-of-the-unabomber / facial hair model Aubrey de Grey claims that age is a disease that can be "cured." Apparently the first human beings who will live to the age of 1,000 have already been born.

Call me crazy, but I get the vibe that Aubrey won't quite make it that far. Check the vid.


Anonymous said...

Why not? Aubrey's no slouch. His ideas aren't uncontroversial, sure, but he's highly respected in his field. His proposals are detailed and impressive, his moral arguments are very persuasive, and he has very credible scientists on the board of his foundation.

Don't write him off just because of the ZZ Top beard. He may be wrong about the future, but he's not a nut.

Anonymous said...

no doubt. just throwing it out there...

Dan B said...

Dude, Anonymous is always such a ball-buster.

Anonymous said...

Dan, Anonymous just called. He's gonna kick your ass now.