26 August 2010

PDice Post #993

Linky clicky.

Paranormal Experiment #1
Date: 2010-08-25, 1:05PM PDT
Reply to: info@paranormalresearch.com [Errors when replying to ads?]

ParanormalResearch.com is filming a Documentary about Time Travel in San Francisco.

In part, we are using the HotWAN WiFi Infrastructure in San Francisco as part of the Paranormal Experiment. The WiFi is being converted into Time Portals. They are being tuned by Astrologers.

For more info, refer to Pirate Cat Radio broadcast:


For updates, refer to http://www.paranormalresearch.com. The date and locations of Paranormal Experiment #1 will be announced on the website and on Craigslist a month in advance.

If you would like to participate in Experiment # 1 as a volunteer and be on film for free, please answer questions that are applicable to you below and submit to info@paranormalresearch.com, Subject: Paranormal Experiment #1.


1) What is the strangest paranormal experience you have encountered?
2) Why do you think people have premonitions?
3) If you could go back in time, only once and never return to today, when and where would you go. Would you just standby and watch or try to deliberately alter the past? What would you alter?
4) When did you realize you had a special gift and how did you, and others react to it?
5) How many hours a week do you spend at your craft?
6) Do you have a day job? If so, what is it?
7) Other than the paranormal what are your interests?
8) Do you believe in God? If so, what is your notion of him/her/it/them?
9) What was the last thing that made you laugh hysterically?
10) What do you hope to get out of that experience?
11) Are you going to be in the experiment?
12) Ever appear in a documentary of television/film before? If so, what was it?
13) Who is your favorite film actor/writer/director?
14) Favorite genre?
15) What do you love?
16) What drives you crazy/pet peeves?
17) Any odd traits or not so secret quirks?
18) Name three hobbies you have now, or have had in the past?
19) Any special talents?
20) Where do you see your life taking you in the next 5 years?
21) What is your favorite phrase or term?
22) Do you have a motto? If so, what is it?
23) What are 5 single words you would use to describe yourself?
24) Are you married/dating/single? (elaborate based on response)
25) What is your living situation?
26) What do you think of the President?
27) Do you identify with a political party/social movement/cause or set of ideals? If so, what and why? And for how long?


As part of the Doc, we do have "The Skeptic". Unfortunately, skeptics are not needed for Paranormal Experiment #1. This is because their skepticism can influence the outcome of what we are trying to achieve.


The film crew is mostly picked with the exception of a Director. We need a Director that has filmed documentaries in the past. We have a limited budget. Please send resume, reel, online work to info@paranormalresearch.com, Subject: Director

* This is a part-time job.
* This is a contract job.
* This is an internship job
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
* Phone calls about this job are ok.
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

PostingID: 1918909543

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