04 August 2008

Cop Quiz, or Behind The Blue Door

Most people who do anything even remotely sketchy can spot the 5-0 a mile away, even without the swirling America Lights on top of the Crown Vic.

What about when the gunbelt comes off and Officer Freedom hits the streets as a civilian? Can Smokey ever truly re-assimilate into the civilian population? My new favorite website, Officer Dot Com, has efficiently and objectively fashioned a means of determining the relative social blendability of individual Defenders Of (Certain)Rights. Grab a cop and make him take this QUIZ! It's fun and uses lots of small, brusque words! (Insert donut joke here)


Anonymous said...

that's it, I'm convinced. My mustache is gonna have to become a copstache.

Anonymous said...

update: copstache is flowing...